There's An Orange On The Freaking Floor

Once upon a time, there was a child. The child was a heterosexual male notorious for being a homosexual female. He loved to munch on big, juicy oranges. One day, he dropped an orange on the floor. He waited 6 seconds, then retrieved the orange from the floor. He ate it. The next day, his homosexual girlfriend bought a pet unicorn which drank a lot of lemonade, while doing a handstand on Kim Jong-Un. Kim Jong-Un had fat, delicious breasts that were considered a delicacy in the Mushroom Kingdom. Unfortunately, the orange fell on the floor again,
It got contaminated by Justin Bieber. Justin Bieber ate the orange and then the child ate the orange. This created a very romantic relationship between the child and Justin Bieber. That all changed when the child found out Justin Bieber is a female. Trust me, this is scary, you just don't feel it because you never immersed with the characters. Anyways, the child was Kim Jong-Un, the #1 biggest fan of Justin Bieber. Justin Bieber was a notorious dictator who obsessed with nukes. He later changed his face through the power of Satan Kirby, and became a singer who's vocal chords could even shatter a black hole.
But then, it happened. KirbyForceOfDestruction realized how mediocre his work is, and handed it over to Nicolas Cage to see if he could do a better job. Hi, this is Nicolas Cage, this is almost as scary as a bee. I'm Ghost Rider, but that's only on Monday when I'm not stoned with Vladimir Putin, my last name is Cage because my wife is like a cage. I'm breaking the 4th wall, looooooool. That's not the only type of wall I break. I'm referring to vaginas, by the way. Hahahaha
It didn't matter because Nicolas Cage was ready to take his FOTM.
DISCLAIMER: I'm new here and my IQ does not extend past 33, please respect my work. If you don't respect my work, I will break into your house, and viciously rape you. If you are not there, I will rape whoever you love, and I will cut you when you go to sleep. I will feed your testicles to you, and you better enjoy it. I know I'll enjoy skinning you alive.